A recent daily meditation from Word Among Us (love it!) reminded me that there will come a time for each of us to “pass the baton to the next generation.” This baton is not one necessarily related to our financial success or our popularity or other worldly successes, but it is our faith, our love, and our heart’s treasures. This reminder was so timely as I pondered how to introduce the late summer Salsa Mama sale for the Peter L. Clevinger Memorial Fund.
For those of you who are newer to my fundraising efforts (I sponsored a sale for his family in 2013), allow me to re-introduce you to Peter by borrowing from the website created by his family.
Peter Clevinger was a beloved son, dedicated brother, accomplished Benedictine College soccer player, loyal United States Battlefield Airman, and friend to all. Peter passed away tragically and unexpectedly on January 20th, 2013 at the age of 25. The Peter L. Clevinger Foundation was founded to memorialize to Peter, and to be an advocate for the values he exemplified. The foundation’s beliefs are based on teaching the virtues of unselfish team play, anchored by a philosophy of making someone else look good.
Peter was blessed to be supported and surrounded by amazing friends and a loving, faithful family in his 25 years. Those very same angels are continuing his legacy through his memorial fund and specifically by an aptly named annual golf tournament, “For Pete’s Sake.” The enthusiasm for this tournament is definitely contagious. The organizers (family and friends) pour their hearts and souls into making it an event worthy of Peter's zest for life. They are so very grateful for the huge number of people who help and who play, but most of all for the love that flows so naturally in this effort.
I hope that you can take just a few minutes to read more the foundation so you’ll understand even better why Salsa Mama is one of the hole sponsors of the tournament that takes place this Saturday, August 15. The photo gallery from past years is full of images of the fun and festivity of this celebration of Peter’s life. Check it out!
Whether on the soccer field, in his military work or simply enjoying his friends and family, Peter most definitely “passed the baton” of goodness, love and faith. Let’s raise a glass, er…a chip (here! here!) in celebration of his life. Thank you for doing something as simple as buying some salsa to contribute to the Salsa Mama community’s support (sale runs through September) for his golf tournament this year!