Hello Salsa Mama friends,
I have always been touched by the quote from St. Therese of Lisieux:
“For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.”
Oh, this surge of the heart...it's such a real and powerful feeling, isn't it??? I rely on this when I'm deciding who Salsa Mama will help next. I've become surprisingly chill about this decision, considering my general want-to-plan-every-detail nature, but I'm finally learning that if I'm patient and "stay out of my own way," so to speak, the charity will present itself when the time is right.
The moment I heard about HappyBottoms, that unmistakable surge of the heart bloomed and has been with me ever since. Oh, my friends, I hope this salsa sale is big! I would love for us to be able to send a significant donation.
To start off, HappyBottoms is Kansas City's Diaper Bank. They provide diapers to 30+ organizations around the KC Metro Area. Since their beginnings in 2009, they have provided 1,853,197 diapers and counting. Their mission is simple and straightforward:
Our mission: working with our partners to provide diapers to low-income families through donations, both financial and in-kind while raising awareness of the need for diapers.
In discerning how to present this information to you, I honestly can't even begin to focus. I want to ramble on and on about the facility I was able to tour. I want to elaborate on how amazing Liz Sutherlin, the current director is. I want to share with you all kinds of facts and figures and charts and graphs that Liz gave me showing the needs of our community. I want to explain how it breaks my heart that government assistance money cannot be used on diapers. And I want to shout out from the rooftops about the love and generosity of those involved in this HappyBottoms effort. It's so simple. It's so profound. It's just right and good and deserves our attention.
Please, please, pretty please, click on this link and then on the YouTube video link for a wonderful peek into the world of the HappyBottoms diaper bank. I promise it won't be time wasted. I know this is asking a lot....In general, I normally only click on about 1 in 100 YouTube links, thinking that I just don't have the time. Trust me, just go grab a cup of coffee and plant yourself for a teeny bit of time to understand why my heart strings were tugged. You won't regret it.
Salsa Mama will be sharing with HappyBottoms for the rest of the summer through mid-September (Sept. 8-14 is Diaper Need Awareness Week). In partnership with Salsa Mama, there are several ways that you can HELP this effort all summer long.
***Please keep in mind that monetary donations are the greatest wish because of the volume discounts they can get!
If you choose to donate diapers, the larger sizes---4s, 5s, and 6s---are the most needed.***
Ways to help:
- Leave diapers (any amount, whole package, part of package, 2 diapers, anything...) with your cooler/payment on salsa delivery day
- Include extra payment for your salsa order and I'll keep track of the extra donation for you.
- Click on the HappyBottoms donation page and choose your method of payment for a $10 minimum donation. Look for the "select designation" drop down and click on Salsa Mama. This works for ALL modes of donation---credit card, eCheck, all of them.
- Encourage your children to collect small change or even have their own little diaper drive. I'm happy to come pick up.
- Make a direct drop off at one of the convenient locations around town (for our area, most convenient will be Wonderscope and Little Monkey Business in Shawnee but check this list for many other drop off sites). Send me a quick text if you do!
ANY of these loving, generous acts of kindness automatically qualify you for a prize, not that any of you expect a prize or any recognition (that is why I love you so!) but hey, this is fun for me to reward you.
Two prize levels:
- Donating diapers or leaving extra payment enters you into a drawing for a free pint of salsa.
- Donating directly to the HappyBottoms website using the link above enters you into a drawing for $50 worth of salsa. That's right...Your $10 donation could turn into 10 pints of salsa. Wahoo!
Thank you for your support and for continually inspiring me to link people like YOU up with amazing people like LIZ and the team at HappyBottoms. We will most likely never see these sweet babies or their grateful moms face-to-face, but we will know that our efforts came from that surge of the heart so eloquently described by St. Therese.
I hope that you are enjoying your summer!