If you know me well, you know that I'm not much of a shopper. Even before I avoided shopping because of my kid's "occasional" monkey-like behavior, I avoided it like the plague. In high school, my girlfriends and I came to Kansas City from Wichita to shop for prom dresses on the Plaza. My friend Liz and I lasted about 5 minutes before we were wandering around as far from clothing racks as possible. As an adult, I'm a huge fan of online shopping or quick dashes into stores if I know what I need, but somehow I was skipped over in the passing on of the "Let's go shopping!" excitement that many other friends and relatives enjoy. I'm tempted by the occasional space-out-and-wander-through-Target run and every so often I will go crazy at the Old Navy clearance, but honestly, it's on the lower end of my enjoyable activities. My poor mom...she needed a better shopper for a daughter! :)
As we get to know the needs of more and more people in our community, I have discovered that shopping can be fun if it seems worth while. In this spirit, Salsa Mama fans, I'm happy to announce that the next sale will give you a chance to win a shopping spree for the Catholic Charities food pantry!
Our friends Marianne and Justin Morgan are dedicated volunteers who work monthly to collect food at Hy-Vee on Mission. Volunteers across the county do the same each month, enabling over 1000 families in our area to have much-needed groceries. Justin and Marianne (and their kids, Drew and Rachel) are just as busy as the rest of us---or more!---have a house to run, jobs to manage, sports, activities, and many church volunteer positions, but they have passionately committed to this cause as a family. So inspiring!!
So, how will this work? EASY!
Order salsa anytime between now and Easter and you will automatically be entered into a drawing. The winner will get the same amount of money that I would normally donate to a charity (half of the profits). They will take that money and hit the grocery store to buy items for the Catholic Charities food pantry. I will coordinate the delivery, or better yet, their family can deliver straight there to see how the food pantry operates.
Right now, the most needed items are:
Spaghetti sauce
Paper towels
Canned Veggies or Fruit
Cereal ( any kinds)
Mac and cheese
Ramen Noodles
Can Openers (hand held)
In the mean time, please check out the Johnson County Emergency Assistance Center for more information about donating food or other items. Food is just one type of donation needed. From this link, you can find much more information about helping in other ways.
For now, thanks for your support and know that I appreciate each and every one of you!
Share the BEST HOMEMADE SALSA with your family & friends!
Pints $5, Quarts $10
1/2 of all profits go to the current charity
Delivery is FREE to Shawnee/Lenexa area--no minimum order.
For orders in general KC area, minimum order is 7 pints. Contact for details.
Order by emailing salsamama@me.com
or calling/texting 913.530.1510
Salsa Mama is ON A MMMMMMMISSION!!!!
The simple mission: To serve the community with love, one pint of salsa at a time, by donating half of the profits from each sale to a local charity or family in need.
1 Peter 4:10 "As each one of us has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace."