There could be lots of catchy and cute messages swimming "like sugarplum fairies" in my head right now.
I considered a David Letterman-esque "Top Ten Reasons for Buying Salsa Mama for the Holidays." I thought about changing the words to "Jingle Bells" to spread the salsa message. I thought about describing a vibrant scene of my "salsa sleigh" arriving at your doorstep with a bag of (not toys!) pints and pints of delicious, freshly made salsa.
But let's face it, it's that time of year when we all have grand plans, but....
So in lieu of a song and dance, I'm spreading a very simple (love that K.I.S.S. principle!) message of Christmas cheer and especially gratitude for all that we have.
My son wrote a message to Santa the other night and told him that he loved him very much. It was so touching to read his words. Honestly, as a kid, I don't remember ever "loving" Santa, but certainly expected him to bring presents. My son's innocent and open heart reminded me that we need to spread the love into all parts of this season. Keep the joy in your hearts!
With that, I thank you for the joy that you bring me as I hear about your celebrations, your gift-giving, and your recipes.
Many blessings this Christmas season!!
Share the BEST HOMEMADE SALSA with your family & friends!
Pints $5, Quarts $10
1/2 of all profits go to the current charity
Delivery is FREE to Shawnee/Lenexa area--no minimum order.
For orders in general KC area, minimum order is 7 pints. Contact for details.
Order by emailing
or calling/texting 913.530.1510
Salsa Mama is ON A MMMMMMMISSION!!!!
The simple mission: To serve the community with love, one pint of salsa at a time, by donating half of the profits from each sale to a local charity or family in need.
1 Peter 4:10 "As each one of us has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace."

I ran across this quote today by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who says,
"In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that
it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich."
The message is easy; we all know we should be grateful. The hard part is training our brains (and those of others) to associate "richness" with giving instead of receiving. Have any of you ever tried to explain to your kids that writing thank you notes is the most important part of their birthday or that giving Christmas gifts to others is more special than receiving their own? Yeah, we have all tried it....and what do we get in return? Blank stares? Whining? Resistance of some kind or another, I would wager. Our human nature in "ordinary life" (as Bonhoeffer calls it), associates richness/happiness/fulfillment with receiving material goods, praise, status, etc... What would it take for us to shift our thinking in a dramatic way so that Bonhoeffer's quote doesn't just sound good, but actually feels all comfy and at home in our genuinely grateful hearts??? I bet the Joplin tornado victims and volunteers could help us here. They might have a story or two (or three hundred) about how their ordinary life exists no longer, and what remains is a rich life, full-to-the-brim with gratitude. Immediately after the tornado, waves of volunteers came out of nowhere, handing out barbecue sandwiches, sorting through debris, helping in countless ways. Groups from Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church (my parish) have gone twice to help in Joplin (see article), witnessing first-hand not only the devastation but the renewed hope in those who have lost everything. To the above right is a picture of the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Joplin. Thankfully, their parish priest survived the destruction but they will need to rebuild their church, starting from scratch. We can't all physically travel to Joplin, but we can each do something of value to help, especially pray for the health and strength of those who survived. The Salsa Mama sale from June and July 2011 will support the Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri, who has already helped thousands of individuals and will play a large role in rebuilding St.Mary's.
As always, thank YOU for support of the various charities throughout the year!
"This year, I Relay for...."
It's Relay For Life time again, and it's amazing to think that a whole year has passed. This year I Relay for many reasons, but first and foremost in memory of Ann Schierts. If you didn't know Ann, spend some time with the blog she created during her battle with cancer. It is updated now by her husband, Hal whose words will inspire you. Hal, Zoe and Grace have been so blessed by the many acts of love and kindness so many of you have shared with them.
My personal page on the Relay For Life of Kaw Valley website will help you understand other reasons I have for Relaying. Here is a picture of Mark's first survivor lap in 2009. What an amazing sight to see him walk down the hill with the other survivors to CELEBRATE, REMEMBER, and FIGHT BACK against cancer.
Every single day it seems we hear of a new diagnosis. If you would like to donate to the ACS's efforts, I would love to have your support, either by buying salsa (half of the profits will be donated) or by going straight to my donation page. I would LOVE to hear your reasons for supporting the cause, and suspect that you have more than a few.
IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN the Relay as a committee member or team captain!!!!!! Please join us. Contact me if you are interested.
I deliver salsa every Friday, so send me your orders! Thanks so much for your support for the various charities Salsa Mama has helped this year, and for your enthusiasm for the salsa itself! I love hearing your stories about recipes, your efforts to hide your salsa from your husband, wife or kids (ha!) and the many confessions I get each month about "accidentally eating the whole container in one sitting." Hey...I love it too or I wouldn't be making it!
Blessings to you this SPRING!!!!
My personal page on the Relay For Life of Kaw Valley website will help you understand other reasons I have for Relaying. Here is a picture of Mark's first survivor lap in 2009. What an amazing sight to see him walk down the hill with the other survivors to CELEBRATE, REMEMBER, and FIGHT BACK against cancer.
Every single day it seems we hear of a new diagnosis. If you would like to donate to the ACS's efforts, I would love to have your support, either by buying salsa (half of the profits will be donated) or by going straight to my donation page. I would LOVE to hear your reasons for supporting the cause, and suspect that you have more than a few.
IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN the Relay as a committee member or team captain!!!!!! Please join us. Contact me if you are interested.
I deliver salsa every Friday, so send me your orders! Thanks so much for your support for the various charities Salsa Mama has helped this year, and for your enthusiasm for the salsa itself! I love hearing your stories about recipes, your efforts to hide your salsa from your husband, wife or kids (ha!) and the many confessions I get each month about "accidentally eating the whole container in one sitting." Hey...I love it too or I wouldn't be making it!
Blessings to you this SPRING!!!!
Are you a DUNKER or a SCOOPER?
This Sunday, Mark visited Barb's Kolache Bakery (the BEST!) and came home with an assortment of our favorites---a meltaway, some cinnamon rolls, some sausage and cheese kolaches. He tried a little bit of everything as he was unpacking the box and insisted that I try them too. "No, thanks honey, but I'm going to sit down and enjoy it," I answered, as I heated my coffee (again!) in the microwave, got out the paper, and prepared to sit down for my highly anticipated moment of pure Barb's Kolache bliss. His answer was "I AM enjoying it!" This got me thinking...we don't all have to enjoy our treats the same way.
Around this time, I received an email from my friend Francine who was feeling a little *guilty* because her husband Cory missed out on most of the pint of salsa she had just bought. [Let me interject here, I get these types of confessions often. It's not just you, my dear friend!] She and her youngest son are "dunkers" as she described, while her husband is a "scooper." They love it equally, just enjoy their treat differently. Hmmmmm, this reminded me of the very same conversation I had had with Mark about enjoying our kolaches.
So here's my question....are you a dunker or a scooper with your Salsa Mama salsa? I am sure you may both dunk and scoop, but what is your primary method of eating salsa? No, this is not earth shattering information, but I am curious. Email with your simple answer in the subject line and I'll enter your name in a drawing for a free pint of salsa this Friday.
I had so much fun with the movie line contest that I thought I would do another. By the way, the answer to the question about "Help me, help YOU" was from Jerry McGuire!
Stay warm, enjoy your many blessings, and thanks for supporting this month's sale for the Little Sisters of the Lamb!!
Around this time, I received an email from my friend Francine who was feeling a little *guilty* because her husband Cory missed out on most of the pint of salsa she had just bought. [Let me interject here, I get these types of confessions often. It's not just you, my dear friend!] She and her youngest son are "dunkers" as she described, while her husband is a "scooper." They love it equally, just enjoy their treat differently. Hmmmmm, this reminded me of the very same conversation I had had with Mark about enjoying our kolaches.
So here's my question....are you a dunker or a scooper with your Salsa Mama salsa? I am sure you may both dunk and scoop, but what is your primary method of eating salsa? No, this is not earth shattering information, but I am curious. Email with your simple answer in the subject line and I'll enter your name in a drawing for a free pint of salsa this Friday.
I had so much fun with the movie line contest that I thought I would do another. By the way, the answer to the question about "Help me, help YOU" was from Jerry McGuire!
Stay warm, enjoy your many blessings, and thanks for supporting this month's sale for the Little Sisters of the Lamb!!
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